Danube GeoHeCo – Fostering the implementation of shallow geothermal hybrid heating and cooling systems in the Danube Region
Energie & UmweltAkronym
Danube GeoHeCo
01/01/2024 - 30/06/2026
Projektbudget in EUR
< 250.000
Interreg Danube Region Programme, Co-funded by the European Union
The project focuses on the following activities:
- Design and technology optimization of shallow geothermal hybrid heating and cooling
- Community-led planning for utilization of shallow geothermal heating and cooling potential
- Digital platform and virtual marketplace for fostering shallow geothermal hybrid heating and cooling
In the first step of the project, the project consortium is developing a decision support toolbox for assessment and assistance in decision making and designing process of shallow geothermal hybrid heating and cooling systems.
Furthermore, an elaboration of community-led planning approach in sustainable utilization of shallow geothermal hybrid heating and cooling potential in the Danube region in order to support and encourage future local and regional actions and initiatives is planned.
In the third and last step of the project, a web-based digital platform with in-built virtual marketplace for networking, future collaboration and knowledge sharing on fostering the successful implementation of shallow geothermal hybrid heating and cooling systems will be created.
Links & Documents
Ing. Andrea Prochazka BSc MSc M.A. MA
Tel: +43 5 7705-5477
Thomas Kremsner BA MA
Tel: +43 5 7705-5468thomas.kremsner(at)hochschule-burgenland.at
DDI Marcus Hofmann
Tel: +43 5 7705-5479marcus.hofmann(at)hochschule-burgenland.at
DI(FH) DI Johannes Schnitzer
Tel: +43 5 7705-5438johannes.schnitzer(at)hochschule-burgenland.at
- CROST Regional Development Nonprofit Ltd.
- University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering
- Local Energy Agency Pomurje
- InnoGeo Research and Service Ltd
- Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information
- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
- Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac
- Regional Economic Development Agency for Šumadija and Pomoravlje
- Regional Development Agency Bačka Ltd. Novi Sad
- LIR Evolution
- Geological Survey of Slovenia